Our lab space is in the Moore Building, which houses the psychology department and the psychology clinic. Our facilities include four dedicated rooms and access to interviewing rooms (all with videotaping capabilities), rooms for study participants to be administered computer-based cognitive and neuropsychological tests and to complete self-report questionnaires, and conference rooms suitable for lab meetings or proctoring large groups of subjects.
Our dedicated space includes both large and medium sized project offices to house research and graduate assistants. The large project room includes seven Windows-based desktop computers with word processing and data analytic capabilities, heavy load color laser printer with feed photocopy, fax, and scanner capabilities and a flat bed scanner.
The medium sized project room includes four Windows-based desktop computers with word processing and data analytic capabilities and a laser printer. Dr. Levy’s office include two Windows-based desktop computers and a laser printer. All computers are networked to the departmental server as the College’s mainframe computer, and with each other. There are VCRs, DVD players, monitors for viewing videotapes and DVDs, and high quality audio-cassette players are available for reviewing taped interviews. We also have a room with a one-way mirror suitable for assessing parent-child and participant interactions.
Other equipment includes audio tape and DVD transcription machines with foot pedals, electric typewriter, audio-tape and video-tape duplicating machines including VCR to DVD and a portable computer set-up for administering computer-based experimental tasks know to tap aspects of affect regulation (e.g., the Stroop test for color inference, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, go-no go reaction time task).
We also have two laboratory spaces at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University. One laboratory is located at the psychology extension of the Payne Whitney Clinic on East 61st Street. The other laboratory space is located on the 2rd floor of Banker Villa at the Westchester Campus of New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Both these labs include rooms for interviewing subjects, administering computer-based experimental tasks, and are suitable implementing treatment interventions.
Our lab space is in the Bruce V. Moore Building.